
Teach you to use the Perfect Uninstaller to delete Adobe Photoshop CS4.

Teach you to use the Perfect Uninstaller to delete Adobe Photoshop CS4.
method /steps

1, download Perfect Uninstaller: http://www.onlinedown.net/soft/6048.htm

2 attached to the desktop or to a particular disk. : D  drive

3 After installing the software, open the software to find your perfect uninstall I want to delete the file, click the "Delete" (or open the software to find the file you want to remove me, straight

Drag the box to go, it will be deleted automatically run software programs) such as:

4 After the run, and he will pop up a window, as long as pressing the "Next" just fine.

5, after the success of it will prompt you to uninstall: Do you want to continue deleting files left behind, press OK on the line. follow:

6. Finally uninstalled successfully Adobe Photoshop CS4.

